Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer plans

Our summer schedule thus far is up on the website. Dates will be added as they are received. We are spending the summer in florida this year concentrating on getting our young horses started and ready to compete in the fall so we will be available for lessons at the farm all summer.
I am looking forward to working with our greenies and I have our first Tinkatoo homebred to start this summer!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Summer schedule

Andrew and I are currently working on the summer clinic and teaching schedule.  I hope to have it up within the next few days.  If anyone is interested in a clinic or lesson date please email me and I will schedule it in.
It is getting HOT in Florida already.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is it already April???

Last week was the CCI in Ocala and I am happy to write that it was a very successful week for the Suwannee Farms crew.  We had 2 students in the CCI** and both placed in the top ten with Drew ending up 7th on Stiletto and Natascha 10th on Paddy Winkler Lad.  It was a great result for both of them and now Stiletto goes on to Jersey Fresh and Natascha will be headed to NAYRC this summer.  Our other students did very well with Nobie Cannon getting her qualifier for the Area 3 champs in the training and Shawn Caneff bringing home a ribbon from her very first recognized horse trials.  
It looks like we will just be doing one more event this season at Chattahoochie and then taking the summer off to work with the youngsters and do some schooling shows.  Since I do not have any upper level horses at the moment I am going to spend time producing our young horses so they are ready for competition this fall.  This will include finally getting our stallion Gold out to some recognized competitions after he has finished his breeding commitments this spring.
As our luck would have it all of our working students are leaving around the same time to pursue other careers or commitments so we are currently looking for both a long term and short term working students.  If anyone is interested in working and competing with us please send us an email at

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

After 6 weeks at Rocking Horse I am finally home with horses, birds and dogs in tow.  The season has started well with some recent additions.  Renkum Redhill was sold to Aaron Vale as a Grand prix showjumping prospect and I will be anxiously awaiting the results of their outings together.  Moet stepped up to the plate jumping easily around his first preliminaries and is headed to a CCI*.  Sportsfield Cocktail is back in for sale after being a dressage horse for 4 years and is doing well at training level already.  He is so easy and fun - a real joy for me to ride.  I also have Rare Occurance back in for sale as his owner is now focusing on dressage so I am enjoying the rides on these lovely schoolmasters while I have them.  
Those who know me are well aware that i am a bird fanatic.  I have a new blue and gold Macaw 'Marley'.  Marley is just 16 weeks old but is already  seasoned horse show traveller.  I will post pictures of him here in the next day or so.  
It is great to be home!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new blog for a new year

Testing out our new blog.  I am hoping I can keep more frequent updates through the blog.  I will be testing out the different options.  Let me know what you think!